Why $20?
I hear you. $20 feels like a lot for a children’s book. This is a question I am asked often, so I thought I would take the time to answer it here.
Jury Trial ABC was hand-drawn and written by me. This entire operation is run primarily by myself with some help from my husband. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources of a big publisher including ordering tens of thousands of books at once to keep costs down. I created the book, sourced the printer, put down my own money to print it, and am the warehouse, shipper, and customer service employee.
I have spent the last three and a half years working on JURY TRIAL ABC. The book’s pricing reflects both the time and resources I have spent creating the book and the time I will spend shipping each individual order.
JURY TRIAL ABC will be in hardcover format. It is 8.5” x 5.5” and printed with soy-based ink, which is more expensive and better for the environment. It will also be safety tested by an independent laboratory after production is complete. The product will be of a quality that you can pass down in your family for generations.
I hope that this book is in your budget, but I understand if it is not. I hope to one day have the resources to offer it at a lower price and make it more accessible for everyone.